


Compagnies de longboard

Comme dans tous les sports, plusieurs compagnies de longboard existent. Voici quelqu'une de ces compagnies et quelques caractéristiques qui les différencies des autres.

Original http://www.originalskateboards.com/ : une marque idéale pour le crusing. Elle se différencie par ses trucks à ressort qui offrent des courbes très serrées.
original:"At Original Skateboards we see longboarding differently. We know that a longboard is so much more than just a longer skateboard and for that reason we knew that using nothing more than oversized traditional skateboard trucks and boards, while hoping for a different result, would never get us where we wanted to go.With out sustained development work on all components of the traditional skateboard, we knew that we could not achieve what would be possible on a longboard, designed by longboarders for longboarding."

Loaded http://www.loadedboards.com/newsite_v1/ : loaded est une marque qui a été créé en 1995. Elle commence en créant le longboard Vanguard et cette marque n'arrêtera jamais de faire fureur, avec leurs planches faite en bamboo plutôt flexible, ils essaient d'imiter la sensation du snow. De plus leur rider: Adam Colton et Adam Strokowski, ont démontré que les longboards de Loaded étaient des boards incroyables en créant des tricks insoupçonnés.

Loaded:"We’ve experienced the soulful beauty of riding and want to pass on the stoke. To that end we are dedicated to putting out the best possible rides we can and we stand behind every board we build."

Sector9 https://www.sector9.com/?gclid=CM-zs_iM-aMCFeoD5Qod_FSyLA : Sector9 est une compagnie regroupant plusieurs types de boards. Il est bien de commencer avec un board Sector9, car ils sont polyvalents et abordables. De plus, ils sont très proches de l'environnement en créant des boards en bamboo et avec leur projet:"PUSH! Don't pollute" https://www.sector9.com/?gclid=CM-zs_iM-aMCFeoD5Qod_FSyLA#/happenings/push-dont-pollute

Santa cruz http://www.blackdiamondsports.com/santa_cruz_longboards_s/725.htm : Santa cruz est une compagnie qui se concentre sur la reproduction de la sensation du surf. Les planches sont fait pour imiter les surfs et les sentations qu'elles procurent s'appréhende aussi au surf.

Santa cruz:"The leading innovator in Skateboarding for 35 years, proudly introduces a new family of skateboards. The Santa Cruz Cruzers feature the best of modern and classic/retro technology developed and perfected by four decades of skateboard innovation."

Landyatchz http://www.landyachtz.com/ : landyatchz est une compagnie qui est très réputée dans les boards de downhill, mais cette compagnie offre aussi plusieurs autres types de boards qui ne laisse pas indifférent.

Landyatchz :"At Landyachtz our mission is to make innovative and durable products to improve quality of life."

Lush http://www.lushlongboards.com/home-c-329.html :Voici la bio très complète de Lush:"We're a group of people in the UK who have been making longboards for about ten years now. We started in Bath, moved to Sheffield for University, went through a series of progressively larger and more chaotic workshops, then moved to Bristol and we've been here ever since! We've seen it all - Euro road trips, a home made wheel welling machine, climbing problems in the woodyard, melted wheels, 2am 100mph ferry dashes, flatspots, broken hangers, delaminated decks and a woodshop so cold you had to use a gas heater to get the varnish to go off. We use all this experience (plus a whole load of other stuff) to bring you the best longboard completes, decks, trucks, wheels and accesories we can make, as well as help the scene out by sponsoring riders, organising and helping with events, running a Forum and Blog, supporting skateshops the right way, and just being here on the end of a phone for some advice and a chat."

Rayne http://www.raynelongboards.com/: Rayne crée des longboards très solides qui sont fait pour aller vite et pour durer longtemps. Cette compagnie offre des planches idéales pour la descente, mais aussi pour un crusing de haute performance.

Rayne :"Starting in 2008 Rayne developed a manufacturing system specifically designed around producing board entirely from bamboo and fibreglass. They have focused on this practice and now have a wide range of boards which offer a better strength to weight ratio, are more water resistant, and hold their flex longer than traditional maple made boards.[1]
Early 2009 the brand released an extremely light weight composite constructed board which was an answer to the demand coming from the downhill racing scene. The boards are labelled as the Dee-lite [2] series which came in 4 different shapes - Demonseed, Nemesis, Hellcat, and Avenger. The foam core and carbon fiber construction reduced the overall weight to less than 1.6 kilograms. The weight savings gives the racers more manoeuvrability while not compromising the strength or rigidity of the boards.
In 2009 Rayne Longboards introduced a new feature to a few of their boards called Pleasure Dome concave which is a take on a w-concave design.[3] The added benefit of Pleasure Dome means that the extra dimension in concave will lock the arch of the rider’s foot to the concave of the board. The new feature changed how riders could perform freeride manoeuvres and has pushed the industry into a exciting new direction." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rayne_Longboards

Plusieurs autres compagnies existent. À vous de nous les faire découvrir...

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